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About Us

We are a community

Who we are


Barry Cranford

Barry is the founder of the London Java Community. He is also the Managing Director of Java recruitment company RecWorks. RecWorks are the company behind the 40+ events and raffles that are held within the LJC each year.


Who we are

“There is no doubt the LJC changed the course of my career. It’s not overstating it to say that it changed the course of my life! At the beginning, it was just a great way to meet new people and to stay up to date with technology trends in an easy way. Over time, as my involvement grew, it helped me to take my first step into presenting, which ultimately led to my current role as a developer advocate for a company that makes a product I love (JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA). Working as a developer advocate lets me work remotely too, so this career path gives me the freedom to live and work wherever I want. I also met my husband at an LJC event! Without the LJC I really would not be living the life I have now: my job, my location, my family all came as a result of me going to a few user group events back in 2009.”

Trisha Gee, Developer Advocate @ JetBrains

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